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AFT Virginia Supports

Photo of Terry McAuliffe

Terry McAuliffe

for Governor

Photo of Hala Ayala

Hala Ayala

for Lt. Governor

Photo of Mark Herring

Mark Herring

for Attorney General

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As Virginia's 72nd Governor, Terry McAuliffe:

  • Made a record investment of $1 billion in Virginia's K-12 education system, redesigned the high school experience with a focus on workforce readiness, and eliminated 5 standardized tests;
  • Vastly expanded school nutrition programs, serving 13 million more meals per year to Virginia students;
  • Expanded pre-k to thousands of students;
  • Signed the first law in the nation to mandate Computer Science education for all Virginia K-12 students; and
  • Established first-in-nation New Economy Workforce Credentials Act and FastForward program, which led to the completion of nearly 24,000 credentials and training programs and the creation of the Power Line training school, which helps students gain certification in 11 weeks-both programs proven to increase the earning potential of Virginia workers.

A Woodbridge High School graduate and former Prince William Schools parent, Hala Ayala knows about Virginia's public education system. In the House of Delegates, Ayala worked to increase education budgets and introduced a pay raise for Virginia teachers. As lieutenant governor, Hala Ayala will work to expand Pre-K, reduce overcrowding in classrooms, and invest in school infrastructure.

Attorney General Mark Herring has been fighting for all Virginians since Day One in office. Herring led the creation of a bipartisan, multi-state effort for child welfare called the Campaign for Child Rescue. Herring was a leader in the national fights for marriage equality and to stop Trump's unconstitutional Muslim bans. He declared DREAMers eligible for in-state tuition so they could access affordable higher education.

Paid for by American Federation of Teachers. Not authorized by any candidate.

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